Hope After Child Loss/The Empty Chair Endeavor

A Conversation with Sitrena Woodson, Tiffany's mom

The Empty Chair Endeavor Season 2 Episode 9

Our lives are all marked by seasons. Some, we anticipate with excitement such as marriage, a new career, or the arrival of a child into our life. Then, there are those that ambush us without any warning, leaving us completely unprepared for their devastation, how long they would last, and radically change us. February 14, 2021 marked the beginning of such a season for Sitrena Woodson with an unexpected phone call breaking the news that her beautiful daughter Tiffany had just died of a heart attack at the young age of 37. Transparent and raw, Sitrena's story is one that, I believe, will inspire hope, encouragement, and renewed purpose for others in their own season of grief. 

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