Hope After Child Loss/The Empty Chair Endeavor
An outreach of The Empty Chair Endeavor designed to support and equip survivors of child loss in rediscovering life, hope, and joy after unspeakable tragedy. Additionally, our mission involves educating the public about the life altering impact the death of a child has upon survivors, both parents and siblings, and equipping them to better support and minister to them. Join us as guests share their stories of heartbreaking loss and how God has shown up on their journeys to restore hope, meaning and purpose. The host, Greg Buffkin, lives with his wife Cathy in South Carolina. Because Cathy and Greg lost their beautiful son Ryan to suicide in 2015, they understand the trauma and pain of losing a child. On a journey that began 9 years ago out of unspeakable trauma and brokenness, GOD has brought them through to a place of restoration, hope and joy with a passion to help fellow survivors on their journeys.
Navigating the Grief of Stillbirth with Leslie Burman, Willow's Mom

A Grieving Dad’s Journey with Dr. Allan MacDonald, Josh’s Dad

Surviving the Unthinkable Loss of a Baby … Twice, with Kendall and Andy Reid, Ruby and Jack’s Parents
Rediscovering Hope After Traumatic Loss with Dave and Laura Diehl, Rebecca’s parents

Navigating Loss Due To A Medical Mystery with Stacey Wons, Trinity's Mom
A Mom’s Journey After Suicide with Deana Morris, Travis's Mom

Discovering Hope in the Aftermath with Kellie Sipos, Emilie's Mom
From a Tragic Beginning with Heather Gillis, Bowen's Mom

A Rediscovery of Hope After Unspeakable Loss with Yolanda Martinez, David's Mom

Navigating Life After Suicide with David Szweda, Hudson’s dad

Navigating Stillbirth with Erin Maroon, Ashlie’s Mom and co-founder of Ashlie’s Embrace

A Conversation with Kim Erickson, Austin's Mom

Our Story Part 2 with Guest Host Danielle Zapchenck
Our Story with guest-host Danielle Zapchenck
From a Crisis of Faith to a Discovery of Hope with Teresa Davis, R.N., Andrew's Mom

"Walking Through Fire" with Vaneetha Risner, Paul's Mom

A Conversation with Jenny Leavitt, Jacob's Mom

Navigating the Devastation of Suicide with Tobe and Amy Witmer, Abbie’s parents
A Grandparent’s Grief Journey with Dr. Michael Bullock, Miles’ grandfather and President of Miles’ Mission

A Conversation with Jennifer Bullock-Moore, Miles' Mom

A Conversation with Aubrey Sampson: Author, Church Planter, Podcaster, and Speaker

A Conversation with Tim Challies, Nick's dad
A Conversation with Jessika Stephen Sanders and Eric Schumacher, authors of "In His Hands, Prayers for Your Child or Baby in a Medical Crisis"

A Conversation with Terry Sternad, T.J's dad